Thomas is pro-life and strongly supports the protection of life at all stages of development.  He was endorsed by Right to Life of Michigan in all 3 of his elections for the Michigan House of Representatives.

In the 2022 budget, Thomas included $20 million to aid mothers in crisis pregnancies through a maternal health navigator program, to help pregnancy resource centers through grants, and to promote adoption.  All of this funding was vetoed by Governor Whitmer who does not truly support choice, but only that women in a crisis pregnancy continue to utilize Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers.

Thomas also introduced legislation to prohibit medical research on aborted fetal tissue in the state of Michigan.  The Center for Medical Progress’s videos uncovered how Planned Parenthood was commodifying the unborn for money.  This practice is immoral and Thomas is committed to ending this unjust research.

Additionally, Thomas had legislation signed into law that requires warning labels on marijuana products informing mothers of the possible birth complications caused by using marijuana while pregnant.